Chicken Hut Croydon

387 Mitcham Road, Croydon, CR0 3HP

Menu Chicken Hut Croydon

One of the most widespread cuisines in the world has to be Chicken. It really is in itself a story of how it has taken over the world by storm. Here, at Chicken Hut Croydon, we bring you an impeccable experience of some of the best Chicken items ever made. You can begin your day with some of our Pizzas like Farm House, Vegetable Special, Peri Peri Pizza, Mexican Spicy, BBQ Chicken Pizza, Pepperoni Feast etc. If you love fast-food, then our Burgers would appeal to a whole lot of extent to you. You can have them in the likes of Peri Peri Burger Meal, BBQ Burger, Chicken Steak Burger, Ham Burger, Chicken Fillet Burger, Triple M Burger etc. But, if you are one of those short eaters, you can also try out some of our Wraps like Chicken Wrap, Peri Peri Wrap Meal etc. To enhance the diversity of Chicken even further, we also have a lot of Sides like Potato Wedges, Plain Garlic Bread, Garlic Bread with Cheese, Garlic Bread with Cheese & Chillies, Garlic Bread with Cheese & Pepperoni etc. We also happen to serve a whole lot of items for your little ones including Kids Cheeseburger & Chips, Kids 2 Chicken Strips & Chips, Kids 3 Nuggets & Chips, Kids 3 Pieces of Wings & Chips, Kids Steak Burger & Chips etc. Our Desserts like Chocolate Fudge Cake, Strawberry Cheesecake, Haagen Dazs Ice Cream, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream would really land you in a fantastic mood.

About Chicken Hut Croydon

The food happening that we bring to the table is a consequence of our incessant efforts. We go all out while preparing your dishes of choice. In order that the quality stays consistent across our range, we only employ the most enticing ingredients and spices in our cooking sessions. We also have some secret spice proportions that really helps us to bring you chicken in a unique avatar. You'd be excited to visit us and taste the myriads of flavours of chicken that we happen to serve. If you wish to rather have a similar experience right at your house, order online from us through our app found for free on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. The app has everything that we have on offer and you can order anything you want without any limitations whatsoever. So, if Chicken is really the master of your foodie dreams, visit us now.

Restaurant location Chicken Hut Croydon

Our location increases our appeal in the city manifolds. We are precisely situated at 387 Mitcham Road, CR0 3HP. This part of the city is extremely favourable in transportation as well as the traffic department. Customers living in even the most out what parts of the city have absolutely no issues while coming to us. This also makes our home delivery services truly punctual. Still, if you are some have not able to find us, you can readily open our app for instant GPS support. That way, you can reach us in the least amount of time. So, if good food is on your mind, we are the way to go.

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